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Give new vines the best start – Vineyard – 克里斯•库珀, 罗伯•桑德斯

随着葡萄种植季节的临近, 哈钦森 agronomists 罗伯•桑德斯 and 克里斯•库珀 examine how to ensure plants get off to a strong start ...

While good site selection is always fundamental to the success of any new vineyard, there are many other ways growers can promote strong establishment and give vines the best chance of fulfilling potential over future years.

Soil preparation and nutrition is the main focus and the best starting point is to assess soils before planting to identify potential structural or nutritional issues. TerraMap’s high definition remote sensing is an ideal tool for this, providing detailed analysis of 21 soil variables, 包括所有主要营养素, pH, 有机物质, available water and cation exchange capacity (CEC).


Such data is valuable for managing established vines too and it’s worth noting that Defra’s “Farming rules for water” now include a requirement to test soils at least every five years to inform nutritional strategies.

事实上, two consecutive wet winters could have increased losses of some nutrients, 比如钾或氮, 在轻, less nutrient-retentive soils with a low cation exchange capacity, so testing may be particularly beneficial.


While nitrogen requirements in established vines are relatively small, plant vigour can suddenly decline when levels get too low and once this happens it’s often too late to do much that season. Equally, nitrogen and phosphorus are key nutrients for early root development in new vines.

磷酸盐很容易被锁住, 尤其是在钙质较多的土壤上, so there may be a case for applying a targeted starter fertiliser at planting to ensure phosphate can be accessed by young roots. 因为氮更容易浸出, this should be applied once roots have got established and are able to take up nitrogen to supply the growing foliage. Any compaction or drainage issues must also be rectified before planting.


Many growers will plough and cultivate sites to facilitate mechanical planting, but no-plough establishment is another option, particularly on steep sites prone to erosion or leaching or where land has been uncultivated for many years and has a good natural structure and biology. The drive to reduce CO2 emissions that result from soil disturbance such as ploughing is a further consideration.

Not ploughing does reduce the carbon footprint and help preserve natural soil structure and biota, but it is more laborious when vines have to be planted by hand into a narrow slit created by a single leg subsoiler. There is no opportunity to plough-down phosphate fertiliser before planting, although targeted application of a starter fertiliser into the planting zone should still be possible where required.

Uncultivated soils should have good nutrient reserves, however it’s worth noting the phosphate index in fields under long-term pasture can sometimes be quite low.


藤蔓非常没有竞争力, so it is vital to control weeds at all times, particularly when plants are establishing.

塑料种植管是一个很受欢迎的选择, providing protection from animal grazing and herbicide applications around young plants. 然而, weeds can grow up inside the tubes and the microclimate within them can sometimes exacerbate temperature fluctuations (hot and cold), 可能损害幼体生长.

Mulches offer alternative weed suppression and add 有机物质 to the soil, however avoid applying organic mulches such as compost to new vines as microbial breakdown of carbon in the organic material uses up valuable nitrogen. This leaves less available to young plants with only limited “scavenging ability” from their small root system.

藤蔓周围的可生物降解薄膜, 比如哈金森公司供应的那种, can avoid this issue by providing a physical barrier to prevent weed growth over several seasons. Although the initial cost is more expensive than tubes, the number of herbicide applications is greatly reduced, early shoot selection is much easier and quicker to carry out, 藤蔓适应得更快, there is no requirement to remove tubes after two or three seasons, 也没有塑料处理的问题.


March is the final opportunity to apply wound protection to any larger reconstruction cuts that had to be made to older material (three years +) during pruning. Small cuts on material up to two years old generally do not need protection.

The biological product Vintec is the only approved wound protectant in the UK and is very effective when applied soon after the cut has been made, so there is still a window of opportunity for those who have delayed pruning to delay bud-burst as a frost mitigation strategy.


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